Der UN-Menschenrechtsrat hat die Pflicht, in Ausübung seines Mandats zum Schutz der Menschenrechte und zur Verhinderung weiterer Menschenrechtsverletzungen rasch auf Krisen zu reagieren. Ein entschlossenes Vorgehen des Rates kann andere politische Prozesse und andere Bemühungen zur Lösung des Konflikts ergänzen und steht nicht im Widerspruch zu ihnen.
Item 2: Enhanced Interactive Dialogue on the Human Rights Commissioner’s report on
Sudan (with the assistance of the designated Expert on Sudan)
UN Human Rights Council
53d session
19 June – 14 July 2023
Mr. President,
We welcome today’s debate and the holding of a Special Session on 11 May. Let us be clear –
the Council has a duty to respond rapidly to crises, in exercise of its mandate to protect human
rights and prevent further violations. Strong Council action can complement, rather than conflict
with, other political processes and other efforts to resolve the conflict.
The human rights and humanitarian situation in Sudan continues to deteriorate as the conflict
enters its 10th week.
As of 13 June, over 1.6 million people have been displaced internally, and over 528,000 people
have crossed into neighbouring countries. For some communities, this is history repeating itself.
People who have been living as refugees in Sudan after fleeing conflicts in their own countries
find themselves displaced yet again.
We are alarmed by reports from Darfur and particularly West Darfur of an emerging pattern of
large-scale attacks by RSF forces and allied armed militias against civilians based on their
ethnic identities.
Warring parties must cease their violations, protect civilians, and ensure safe passage for those
seeking to escape. They must also ensure rapid and unhindered humanitarian access. All duty
bearers should ensure full international protection and support to all those fleeing the conflict
and protect and support human rights defenders and individuals at risk.
A central driver of this conflict is impunity. In this regard, we reiterate our call for the
establishment of an international and independent investigative and accountability mechanism
to monitor, collect and preserve evidence, and report serious violations of human rights and
humanitarian law in Sudan. Until that day comes, we urge all to do what is in their power to
urge compliance with international law and promote accountability, including documenting and
preserving evidence of violations and crimes.
Thank you, Mr. President